2017-02-16  来源:中国聚合物网
  亚欧复合材料研讨会(The Asia-Europe Symposium on Processing and Properties of Reinforced Polymers--AESP)旨在为材料科学家和工程师在聚合物及其复合材料方面提供一个定期的国际论坛和交流平台。往届研讨会分别在法国南希(2004年),中国北京(2005年),匈牙利布达佩斯,(2007年),中国桂林(2009年),德国德累斯顿,(2011年),中国武汉(2013年),西班牙马德里(2015年)举行。延续着往届会议的优秀信誉和传统,第八届研讨会(AESP2017)将于2017年6月29日至7月2日在中国成都举行。本次会议的内容将涵盖聚合物技术方面的最新进展。组织者将尽一切努力加强专家、研究机构及企业间的互动与交流。严格的筛选过程将保证高质量的报告,并确保会议在友好气氛中进行,这将进一步有助于参与者之间建立长期的互动与合作关系。此外,本次会议还将与第三届中英双边聚合物纳米复合材料专题会议合并举行。之前非常成功的两次中英双边聚合物纳米复合材料专题会议分别在英国华威(2014年)和中国上海(2015年)举行。该专题会议报告人均是特邀嘉宾,旨在增强中英双方本领域内科学家之间的互动及合作。欢迎国内外专家踊跃参加此次会议。摘要投稿截止日期2017年2月21日。www.aesp2017.com

AESP2017 主席:
傅强,章明秋, Yiu-Wing Mai

朱新远,刘天西,Tony McNally, David Haddleton, Chaoying Wan


邓华 huadeng@scu.edu.cn

Abstract Submission

A one-page abstract in MS-Word format is required to describe the content of the presentation. Please submit the abstract
through the website provided before 21th Feb, 2017. A template can be found on the website.


Registration online services can be used on the symposium website

Full registration
Euro 350 before 16th May 2017
Euro 400 after 16th May 2017

Student registration
Euro 250 before 16th May 2017
Euro 300 after 16th May 2017

Accompanying persons
Euro 200 before 16th May 2017
Euro 250 after 16th May 2017

The full registration and student registration fees cover scientific activities, printed materials of the symposium,coffee breaks, meals , reception, banquet and social program.

The student registration requires the student to present a valid photo“student ID” while check in at the conference .

The accompanying persons registration includes meals, reception, banquet and social program.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
21th Feb, 2017

Acceptance Notification
9th April, 2017

Early Registration Deadline
16th May 2017

Final Program Published
10th June 2017


The Asia-Europe Symposium on Processing and Properties of Reinforced Polymers aims to offer a regular international forum for materials scientists and engineers in the field of polymers and polymer composites. revious symposia were organized in Nancy,France(2004),Beijing,China(2005),Budapest,Hungary(2007),Guilin,China(2009),Dresden,Germany(2011),Wuhan,China(2013),Madrid,Spain (2015). Following the excellent reputation and traditions of these previous activities, the 8th symposium will be held in Chengdu , China on June 29th -July 2nd 2017 . The scientific program covers achievements and recent advances in all topics on polymer technology. Key and emerging issues will be discussed and identified for future woks . The organizers will make every effort to enhance interactions among leading experts and promising innovators from research institutions ,end-use industries and academia. Coupled with local cultural introduction, the high quality presentations on the basis of strict professional selection ensure a friendly atmosphere throughout the conference, which would further help to establish long-term cooperation between the participants.

Moreover ,a special UK-China Nanocomposites session has been included. This is the Third UK-China Symposium on Polymer Nanocomposites , following two very successful events in Warwick , UK(2014) , and Shanghai , China (2015) . This section is by invitation only, aims to enhance the interaction between scientists in the field of polymer nanocomposites from UK and China.

Organized by

State Kay Laboratory of Polymer Materials Engineering, China

College of Polymer Science and Engineering, Sichuan University

Polymer Research Institute , Sichuan University


Qiang Fu , Yiu-Wing Mai , Ming-Qiu Zhang
UK-China Nanocomposites Chairmen
Xin-Yuan Zhu , Tian-Xi Liu, Tony McNally, David Haddleton

International Advisory Board:
A. Bledzki, T. Czigany, T.Czvikovszky, A. Dahoun, J. H. Dong, S. Y. Du, K.Friedrich, S. Y. Fu, M. Hojo, P.Hornsby, T. Kinloch, J. -K. Kim, J. KargerKocsis , L. Kollar, R.M.Kozlowski, C.C.M.Ma ,
J.Ma, E.Mader, Y. W. Mai, Gy.Marosi, B. Pukanszky, M. Z. Rong, K.Schulte, C. Wei, X. S. Yi, J. H. Yin, M.Q.Zhang, Z. Zhang, M. Zrinyi, Q. Fu, D.Y. Wang, X.L. Xie,X.Y.Zhu, T.X.Liu,T.McNally,
D. Haddleton

Scientific Topics

1. Asia-Europe Symposium

Fundamental aspects of reinforcement and matrices

Interphases and interfaces

Advances in polymer composites

Functional and smart composites



Manufacturing and processing

Industrial applications


2.3rd China-UK Bilateral Symposium on Polymer Nanocomposites Special Session(By invitation only)

Contact Information

Contact person: 

Prof. Hua Deng 

College of Polymer Science and Engineering Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610065, China 

Tel: +86 23 85460953 

Fax: +86 23 85461795 

E-mail: aesp2017@163.com 



