Angew. Chem.(《亚博体育》)开始接受长篇研究论文投稿
2019-04-03  来源:中国聚合物网

  Angewandte Chemie(《亚博体育》)期刊宣布从2019329日起开始正式接受研究论文(Research Articles)投稿。一直以来,Angewandte Chemie的基础研究结果发表形式仅限于通讯(Communications)类型的文章,有着严格的字数限制(2500字或者20000个字符)。现在新增加的研究论文(Research Articles)类型文章,篇幅扩展到5600字(40000个字符),摆脱了通讯类型文章对更加系统详尽工作的束缚。

  作者现在只需登录Angewandte Chemie投稿系统,在文章类型选择(Article Type Selection)页面的下拉菜单中选择”Research Article”,即可开始研究论文的投稿。

  以下内容摘自Angewandte Chemie作者须知(Notice to Authors)原文:

  Communications and Research Articles present the results of experimental or theoretical studies of general interest or great importance to the development of a specific area of research. A short cover letter justifying why the manuscript should appear in the journal should be submitted. A Communication should be no longer than 2500 words (ca. 20000 characters), including all references, footnotes, and Tables. Chemical formulae, Figures, and Schemes may also be added. Research Articles (length up to 5600 words, ca. 40000 characters) may contain an Experimental Section and/or Computational Methods. However, the editorial office requests that only the most essential parts of your experimental procedures are included in the Experimental Section; the rest should be presented in the Supporting Information.



