
智利化学会 (Chilean Society of Chemistry)
智利化学会 (Chilean Society of Chemistry)

The Society for General Microbiology has been established for over 50 years, promoting and supporting the art, science and significance of microbiology and associated subjects worldwide. Here you will find information about all the Society's activities, and about the importance of microbiology in today's world.

意大利化学会 (Italian Chemical Society)
The Italian Chemical Society, founded in 1909, erected in Moral Agency on 1926, numbers currently approximately 5,000 enrolled.
Fundamental objective of the SCI is the spreading of chemical science and its applications to evidence the importance that it covers in the modern society.
The Society is articulated in Regional Sections, Divisions and Inter-Division Groups.
Sections pursue the scopes of the Society on a local basis.
Divisions group the associates who follow a same scientific address in their research. Currently they are:

Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry of Biological Systems
Chemical Education
Environmental Chemistry
Industrial Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Mass Spectrometry
Organic Chemistry
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Inter-Division Groups gather the associates who share a common scientific interest in the fields:

Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
Carbohydrate Chemistry
Chemistry for the conservation of the Cultural Heritage
Colloids and Interphases
Computational Chemistry
Electroanalytical Chemistry
Food Chemistry
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Organometallic Chemistry
Structural Chemistry
Science of the Separations
The SCI organizes a wide number of conventions, workshop, courses and seminaries both to a national and international level.
In order to spread the principles of chemical science in advanced secondary school it organizes the national selection for the "Chemistry Olympic Games", a competition in which students from all over the world put to the test their own acquaintances in this field.
The publishing activity of the Society concerns the issuing of scientific periodicals of high international level.

SCI - The Italian Chemical Society
Viale Liegi, 48c - 00198 Rome
Tel. +39 06 8549691
Fax. +39 06 8548734
Email: soc.chim.it@agora.stm.it

以色列化学会 (ICS)
The ICS consists of ten sections: analytical; computational; educational; inorganic-bioinorganic; industrial; medical; organic, bioorganic and physical organic; physical; solid state; and theoretical chemistry. A meeting of the Society is held every year at which all the sections are represented. Chemistry divisions from the six Israeli academic institutions take turns at organizing the meetings. They include: Dept. of Chemistry of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva; Dept. of Chemistry of Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan; Faculty of Chemistry at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot; Faculty of Chemistry at the Technion, Haifa; the Institute of Chemistry at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem; School of Chemistry of Tel Aviv University. In addition, individual sections convene meetings on topics relating to their own field.

The Society is an active member at most levels of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The current President of IUPAC, Professor Joshua Yortner (former President of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities), is a member of the Tel Aviv branch of the ICS.

In collaboration with the Israel Academy for the Hebrew Language, the ICS has been playing a vital role in finalizing the Hebrew nomenclature for inorganic and organic compounds in accordance with the IUPAC nomenclature.

As an affiliated member of IUPAC, the International Society for Heterocyclic Chemistry, the Federation of European Chemical Societies, the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry, the World Association of Chemists Oriented towards Theoretical Chemistry, and the International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, the ICS helps organize international symposia on behalf of the above international bodies.

Dept. of Chemistry,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O.Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel
Tel. 972-7-6461196
Fax: 972-7-6472943
e-mail: ashani@bgumail.bgu.ac.il

新西兰化学会 (NZIC)
The NZIC was founded in 1931. It is comprised of six branches and a number of specialist groups .
Analytical Chemistry
Denis Hogan
11 Wyn Street, Christchurch 2. P: (03) 338-9552

Chemical Education

George Zabkiewicz
FRI, Private Bag, Rotorua. P: (07) 347-5491, F: 07 347 5811

Alison Downard
Chemistry Dept, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch. P: (03) 364-2461, F: (03) 364-2110

Fats and Oils
Laurence Eyres
PO Box 25 499, St Heliers, Auckland. F: (09) 575-5982

Inorganic and Organometallic
Sally Brooker
Chemistry Dept, University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin.

Organic Chemistry
David Officer Institute of Fundamental Sciences - Chemistry, Massey University, Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North. P: (06) 350 4796, F: (06) 350 5682

Physical Chemistry
Tony Cartner
Chemistry Dept, University of Waikato, Private Bag, Hamilton. P: (07) 856-2889

Polymer Chemistry
Neil Edmonds
Director of the Polymers & Coatings Science Programme, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92-019, Auckland. P: (09) 373 7599, F:(09) 373 7422

X-Ray Crystallography
Graeme Gainsford
IRL, PO Box 31-310, Lower Hutt. P: (04) 566 6919

The objects for which the Institue is established are:
To promote the science and practice of chemistry in all its branches and the usefulness and efficiency of persons engaged therein.

To raise the status and to advance the interests of the profession of chemistry and of those engaged therein.

To provide for the delivery of lectures, and the holding of exhibitions, classes and conferences calculated to advance the cause of chemistry.

To promote honourable practice, to repress malpractice, to settle disputed points of practice and to decide all questions of professional usage and etiquette.

To admit persons to be members (honorary or otherwise) of the Institute upon such terms and to confer on them such rights and privileges as may be determined from time to time and to suspend, expel or remove from membership any persons.

To subscribe to, support or co-operate with any other association, society or institute whether incorporated or not the objects of which are similar to those of the Institute.

To collect and circulate statistics and other information relative to any branch of chemistry.

To purchase, print, publish, issue and circulate such papers, periodicals, books, leaflets and other literary undertakings as may appear relevant to any of the objects of the Institute.

To take any gift of property, whether subject to any special trust or not, for any one or more of the objects of the Institute.

To award certificates on such terms and conditions as may from time to time be determined and to provide a Register of holders of certificates of the Institute and to obtain power to grant legally recognised certificates of proficiency provided that every certificate granted shall show on the face of it that it is merely a certificate granted by the Institute either upon the results of an examination approved by the Institute or by reason of the original membership of the Institute of the perosn to whom it is issued. All certificates issued by the Insitute shall remain the property of the Institute and shall be surrendered to the Institute on demand.

To cancel any certificate issued to members upon cessation of membership.

To take any other lawful steps to promote the progress of chemistry and the welfare of those engaged in its study and practice. Provided always that nothing in the Rules of the Institute shall affect any of the provisions of "The Phamacy Act 1908" and any Acts ammending the same or take away any power of right conferred on any person or body by or under any of the said Acts.

The NZIC has a central office in Auckland.
NZIC Office
Email: NZICOffice@nzic.org.nz
PO Box 39-283, Howick, AUCKLAND
Ph +64-9-535 6495, Fax: +64-9-535 3476